The LIAS Open Day

A few Saturdays ago, we held our first ever open day and exhibition and we were overwhelmed by the support and enthusiasm we received from our fabulous community of artists.

Our first open day - there will be more!

We had a constant stream of people attending throughout day and were lucky enough to have an absolutely delicious lunch from our lovely neighbours at John Archer Hall, The Gluten Free Pie Company who are highly recommended!

The exhibition of artwork from the LIAS artists showing pieces they have produced at LIAS classes. 

The exhibition shows works produced by LIAS artists at our classes over the years and the quality is truly amazing. Painting, drawing and printmaking are all represented. The exhibition continues until at least the new year and is well worth a visit.

A huge thank you to everyone who came to see us and for those artists who chose to exhibit with us; words can not express our gratitude enough. We are very keen to host more open days in the future so watch this space!


Food Illustration in Watercolour


Watercolour Techniques